

I am mentally tired!
I am standing ablaze,yet also sobing,
Cause my emotional pain tirelessly loops.
My haert,as that of a beggar too droops.
My soul is only but yearning and hoping.
Groping for the Divine hand to at least scoop me.

I'm a man,but only in the context of the word,
Otherwise my inner strength is waning by the day.
I feel inclined to accommodate the fantasy of being bird.
Who is born with the innate liberty to any day fly anywhere.

The load i am moulded to bear overwhelms my core,
It stands laughing at my staggering mental fortitude.
I find myself opposed by trials so fierce in walk and roar,
As if driving me to desperately wish if i were born brute.

I used to believe as a kid,that men grow older n stronger,
Yet truth with a wry grin says,'you grow,but only weaker'
My eyes do now behold the reality of the cliche phrase,
"Warrior is a child",what matters it even if its only a phase.
I am a man Yes,but how weak do i look if i say,

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