

A falling star, the moment love took flight,
My heart soared high as she stepped into sight
I tried to release it from its hidden cage,
But it held fast, relentless, in loves sweet rage

This love, a gift and yet a cruel curse,
It lifts me high, then plunges to the worst,
In heaven's embrace, moments so sublime,
Then burning in hell, tormented by time

Why have I tumbled into this abyss?
Unanswered question, her sweet touch I miss,
But I will rise, summon courage, make my move,
And with her, a new chapter will we prove

We shared laughter and joy, like golden rays,
Heartbeats entwined, in passion's vibrant blaze,
Yet one day she stood distant, cold and reserved,
Her silence screamed secrets, yet I observed

I asked her "What's wrong? Please let me in, dear"
But she deflected, evasive, fueled my fear,
Our once endless conversations, now grew short,
And I sensed a distance, a love's last resort

Then she vanished, like a ghost in the night,
No reply to my calls, my heart's desperate plight,
The pain stabbed deep, an arrow through my chest,
My world turned gray, as memories protest

The moments we cherished turned to nightmares,
The echo of her laughter became a snare,
Now I crave to release this love from my core,
To forget the ache, start afresh, to explore

But in this pain, I find strength to let go,
Accept the lesson that love seeks to bestow,
For though it stings, this heartbreak I endure,
I'll emerge stronger, love's wounds will find no cure.

© Mikhail