

Surrender to life
I remember how it all started; it was some hand gestures and slicky intentions. All I could do was control my mind, yet I couldn't, so how could I guess the mind of another? Every scene kept playing in my head; the moment was beautiful, but the end was a show of scars.

I know all we did was love each other in the ways we could; I do not blame you because that's all we should do, so forgive me. That's all I could. I held the pain for so long until I was too tired and I couldn't. All I see is repeated patterns and circles; I've seen enough so I walked alone.

I never imagined pain could become a muse, I never thought of a life outside the rules, and I never had a clue I would surrender to life because my heart had turned into a school. Surrender to life is all I could do; so surrender to life is all you should do because it's all that makes life beautiful.
© Ddawnofpoetry7