

she's afraid
She longs for freedom, for a chance to soar,
But the fear of failure keeps her heart sore.
She yearns for love, for connection and trust,
But the fear of rejection turns her heart to dust.

She sees others living, embracing life's flow,
While she remains trapped in her own shadow.
The weight of her fears, it becomes too much,
As she contemplates escaping with one final touch.

But let us not forget, there is hope in this tale,
A chance for her spirit to rise and prevail.
For within the darkness, a flicker of light,
A glimmer of courage to help her take flight.

In the depths of her despair, she finds a voice,
A strength within her that gives her a choice.
To face her fears head-on, to break free from the chains,
To embrace the unknown, to release her pains.

With each step she takes, her confidence grows,
As she discovers the strength that within her flows.
No longer alone, she finds support and care,
From those who see her worth and are willing to share.

And as she emerges from her self-imposed cell,
She realizes she has a story to tell.
A tale of resilience, of overcoming strife,
A testament to the power of reclaiming one's life.

So let us remember this girl, once lost and afraid,
And honor the journey that she bravely made.
May her story inspire us to be kind and aware,
To uplift those who suffer, to show them we care.

For in our darkest moments, we all need a hand,
To guide us through the shadows, to help us understand.
That we are not alone, that there's hope within reach,
If only we have the courage to let our fears breach.

So let us be the light in someone else's night,
To offer love and compassion, to help them take flight.
For in realms where shadows dwell, may we strive to be,
A beacon of hope, a source of solace and empathy.
© Juniya