

So Many A Word
Insights , it did bring
The fate which turns you a wise
Tough, tough like a lion
Hard, visibly hard to break
Pearls, thou seest my pen drew
And things which seemed rather passé

What word could I say?
Where possibly could I lay?
How convincing could I be?
What sceneries could I see?
Many words to deliver
Only for few believers
In a slight dilemma

Words of Insights
Drilling deep and dancing in minds
Words, thou seest an illusion
Rendered thy heart sessions
Heareth not thee the beautiful song?
That lasted not in the loutish throat?
But , voices of lament thou knoweth
And sung thee in the deserted alley

What word have I to say?
So many not even in a day
How convincing could I be?
Amidst a thousand sweet-mouthed teeth
My words no lightning might summon
But in moon, doeth I things undone

Words from nativity, did appear
Views of divinity, thus my care
But , what words to be justified?
Stammered me not, but nervousness
So many a word not defined
And careth not them, with deafness.

© Serpent Lady