

What if....
What if I lose my sight?
How will I know the path right?
Will there be people who help me
Learn the new way to be?

I know there are ways to direct
To places through indications indirect
But will the people, the civic bodies
Take heed to help the less able bodied?

Do you know that when you properly use tiles
That are embossed bring empowerment and smiles?
I know it will take me a while to stop stumbling
But I'm ok as long as I get up after tumbling.

I will need to sharpen my other senses
Rely on sounds, smells, feel... not the lenses
So work I will towards becoming
self reliant
By bending and learning, not by being defiant!

#SensesAwry #blind #selfreliance #relearn #guy3 #guy3specials
© Guy3