

blossom and blood
The trees pink and purple in glorious colours,
A seamless blue sky paints beyond,
Lending an outline of beauty and detail, surrounding and framing each delicate frond,

Clashing this tranquil filled moment of bliss,
A lick of a forked tongued reptilian kiss,
The splatter of blood cuts an arc through the air,
Reality’s ugly and life is rarely fair,

Delicate colours, the perfumeous petals,
Flowers, the scent of cut grass,
That nostalgic feeling floods childhood emotions, like memories through an hourglass,

Your life is a film or a box set you binged,
As you watch it play back, you’ll see how much you whinged,
So much time wasted, that should have been fun
You could have been laughing, and loving someone

Bullets and petals, blood, tears and sweat,
All that is ugly,
They would rather forget,
As equally though, all life must have balance,
Without one or the other
Neither could happen

© katMaddi

#soulmate #love #balance