

My Vulnerability-2
Have you ever felt sad about having big breasts?
Have you ever felt sad about having a good ass?
Have you ever felt sad about having curvy hips?
Have you ever felt sad about being used because of all those features?
Have you ever felt sad for even trying to find that one person who wanted to be with you not because of your body, not because of your face, not because of your hair, but because of you?
Have you ever felt sad about dealing with something like that?
Have you ever felt sad about not being able to like your own body?
Have you ever felt sad about relating to every sexual harassment case you hear?
Have you ever felt sad about people not loving you for you but your body?
Have you ever felt sad about the shit that extrovert, happy girl is going through?
Have you ever felt sad about how she's dealing with a breakdown?
Have you ever felt her?
Have you ever felt?
Have you ever?
Have you?
I have.
#bodyshaming #sexualharrasment #numb #sadness #vulnerability

© Piku