

The Readings 3 40

Broken as the stars do wonder the light that shines through the window that casually calls out to the wind.

Out does the mind that thinks do the trees that count the growing issues of the seemingly broken skies.

Notes that the cries call to the carrying seas that seap into the essence of the ceasing moments.

Never does the quick moments that weep out the earth do the stars bother the light.

In then the shattered sun that hold the creepingly bright darkness in the light that may.

Forever does the sweeping earth call to the barking lands of another's guess.

That does the silvered fish that fly in the sly sky that bothers the notice on the wall.

Cries the floating flag of the chimney that fires away the cross of water that burns.

Even that the chess of knights do battle in the sky of broken dreams they should.

The dreams do that it tries in the evening of the sun's darkness of when.

Park in the sidewalk of simple confused essays then do they start again.

That in the evening it doesn't seem to start annew trial of sense.

Senses to try the planets guess at new life does it never begin another.

Nights in expertise that they bother the light from the broken lamp aside.

Of beetles that nother to fly in never worlds that knows it's own life.

Trying the tastes of colors and beauty in it's new end.

And is the one in whom that does it's own bother the broken stars that never.

Times we never thought to read beyond what we saw.

To moments that began to make sense even in the senseless rambles of a mind.

Change that breaks one to its own core that begins the rambles that breaks a new core away

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