

New Year, No Fear
This New Year is unlike the rest.
With last year done, we begin again.
It is time for us to be our best,
It is time for us to move on from then.

We are presented with a clean slate,
With which we can make this year our own.
We alone are in control of our fate,
With which our empathetic skills, we hone.

Hold the door for a complete stranger,
Or give a compliment to a colleague.
Let go of your fear and anger,
You may even enjoy your new-found prestige.

So, let's leave our baggage at the door,
And throw out the mask you once wore,
To hide your pain and frustration.
Maybe even take that lofty vacation!
For this is our year, and the previous is done.
For this is our time to rise, this is 2021.