

Meet me in the middle,
With an open mind,
Set aside differences,
We're the same kind,

There's so much alike,
In you and I,
Differences aside,
it's only in our mind,

Break my Heart,
I won't ask you why,
You are my part,
Shining across the Sky,

This may not be love,
This may not be you,
For you I will always ave,
you may not believe me but this is true,

It's not a Delusion,
It is Prodigy,
It's not intrusion,
It is Philosophy,

Relationships are kindred,
Life is ephemeral,
Let's remain splendid,
and this world will be peripheral,

Kindred we are,
Kindred we will be,
We will say our will with all thine heart,
We will be together never apart,
This is our will so mote it be,
Equals we are,
You and Me,

© S.Ali