

Some days I feel as ordinary as the common routine of the normalities of society.
I cringe to know that tomorrow I follow it's trend.
Some days I feel myself on the outside somewhere inside of another world
Where it's people are kind, women know how to compliment each other and men who know how to value the worth of a woman.
Not in the way she disguises her emotions in the height or size of her clothing, nor in the perplexity of her appearance.
Just in the way she lives, breathes and reasons with logic, of course as a human.
This world knows no heartache, broken marriages or empty promises that were only desired to be fulfilled.
It renders its harmony with understanding.
No hate, no jealousy and cannot define dishonesty in so what is called a true relationship.
Maybe we're all waiting for a perfect Utopia.
The ostentatious life style of only a dream we think our world could be.
We settle our thoughts by combining the ugly , raw, unfairness and tragic stories of our realities with the beautiful and good moments.
We encourage that this is called the bitter-sweetness of life..
But who am I?
To this world, to its people I leave so frequently.
Who am I to the world, to its people I visit so frequently.
Some days I feel the presence of both these lively, unusual worlds.
Some days I am grateful I get to travel.