


They ask, does it hurt so much ??
I smile. I reply no it doesn't
I don't feel any pain , I don't feel

They ask, "So how do you feel?
I smile, I reply, "I am fine
Am oky, am great ,am breathing
Thanks for ask

They ask, "How do you heal?
I smile, I reply. I never heal
There is no cure for this
But don't worry about me
Everything will be fine

They ask if i move on
I smile, I reply no, I didn't
Am down,am broke, am afraid
So I can't move but am still on
I found move but not with for good

They ask what does your heart say?
I smile. I reply, "My heart calls your name
Every beats repeat your name ,
For a second, I am alive, am fine , am okay
I smile, I reply

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