

Peace please!

Sometimes you just sit and think
Asking yourself what you did amiss
Peace of mind you had, then someone crushes it, gone in a blink
Gone, not a whisper of it, a vanished mist

Sometimes you just sit and think
Asking yourself why can't you just have peace
If not then silence at least
But we aren't so lucky, because people love pushing you to the brink

— I made this poem to remind myself that you can have peace of mind, however, there occurs a time when it gets taken away from you by people, but what matters is how you reclaim that peace. Reclaiming it sometimes takes a while, and differs from person to person, but you will always have power over people who wish your peace gone. Just breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out...

— January 25, 2024

© Rarity