

Death… it's not absence
… it's not despair. No,
no, my darling- it's Truth.
Truth's bosom, all sweet… and warm
… and tight in her supple, cherry embrace.
But still I cry… I cry… I cry and cry. No answers why… why!?
My the anguish twist my stomach
into knots and thorns?
Must we , those who are left behind
in frigid reality, be doomed to drown
and freeze in tears and sorrows? Left behind
… in the barren, subjugated wasteland
… in preceivable Hell.
Who the fuck knows? Only Lovely Truth
… she knows.
The keys to Heaven are unp Truths skirt
… and she spreads for the wicked and the worthy.
One day… O yes. Yes yes!
We all will get a chance to kiss those lips,
and one day, my darling… I will drink her
sweetness dry.

#poetry #poems #writco #writer #writers

© LaKeisha Hart