

A time
Alas! A time, when in solitude I suffered,
Left alone, my heart ached from wounds endured,
In the depths of darkness, my spirit would quiver,
No solace found, as silence whispered.

Once, there was warmth in the company of friends,
Laughter filled the air, love knew no ends,
But alas, fate intervened, tearing us apart,
Leaving me desolate, like a broken heart.

I stood there, amidst the vastness of the night,
A lone wanderer, blinded by sorrow's blight,
The stars above, they wept for my plight,
Their tears cascading, a celestial light.

Memories fluttered, like whispered ghostly breaths,
Of moments cherished, of shared life's quests,
A sentimental symphony, once shared with glee,
Now an aching reminder of what used to be.

In the emptiness, my mind began to wander,
Through the corridors of past, where shadows squander,
Voices echoed, hauntingly in my ears,
A chorus of nostalgia, mingling with tears.

The melody of laughter, its sweetness faded,
Leaving behind echoes, fragile and jaded,
Faces, once kind, etched deeply in my mind,
Now mere apparitions, fading and undefined.

I wandered in desolation, searching for solace,
Seeking an embrace, a haven, a benevolent promise,
But the world continued its relentless pace,
Unaware of my absence, an insignificant trace.

The wind whispered secrets through the barren trees,
Caressing lonesome spirit with empathetic breeze,
Yet even it carried no answers, no cure,
For the ailment of desolation, so pure.

Within this desolate realm, a transformation began,
From a helpless soul into a resilient woman,
Embracing solitude's embrace, no longer afraid,
Learning to find solace in the decisions I'd made.

Sometimes in isolation, we find our inner might,
To paint our own canvas, create our own light,
To dance with our shadows, and learn to forgive,
To cherish our own essence, fiercely start to live.

So, I stand here now, stronger than before,
A survivor of solitude, scars and so much more,
In the silence, I found strength to heal my soul,
To write a new chapter, to once again feel whole.

Though loneliness can strip us bare, leave us hollow,
It teaches us resilience, the strength we can borrow,
Embracing the solitude, the path we're assigned,
For within this darkness, a flickering light we find.

@deep_widin #poembydeep #deep_widin #deepz_talk #writco

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