

#Specially for You!!!
I'm interested in everyone,
but unselfishly interested in you.

To me everyone and everything is important,
but you, your friendship, your smile and your happiness,
matters the most.

Never I smiled so heartily,
but when I read a text from you.
(Rarely, literally very rarely... like once in a year 😅...
every morning I text first.. "so lazy 😂 😂 😂" and her reply is the last of the day... "u too")

I was 0% interested in dancing,
but knowing since, you love
I started learning dance on my own,
new day, new steps..
becomes my daily routine to practice,
only to dance with you in the future.

Before meeting you,
I was happy with my flaws and no dreams,
but from now on,
I'll try to be someone better than your dream boy and perfect in very few things like your celebrity crushes, whom you admire the most!!!
only and only for you.

I'm not madly in love,
or anything like that,
I can forget you or anybody in few seconds,
but only to you not for ever...

Through my words...
m sharing my breathless hope,
which is at times dead also at times alive,
depending on words you share with me...
to keep the friendship of us both alive...

I really don't know.. but what can I say.. can't forget her forever... I want her... my all this feelings were in my heart only but now here too... to keep her remember... I really need to change myself for someone...

© Greedy_for_Love