


Our safety has become our peril.
Our defence, engaged at our expense.

For the darkest hour just before dawn;
For order with every turn;
For safety in the sun;
A man like us was given a gun.

Protection to render, but gives to none.
Oppression to hinder, but offers to all.
Violation he offers, to those common.
Suppression to conquer, but superior to all.

He has the weak at his mercy;
The strong in his army;
The mighty as his lord.
In his hands, lies the law.

Another Civilian knees to the ground,
Reeling and begging the proud.
But the whips come with a sound,
So profound and so loud.

Doom flies. He hampers.
But for whom?. He lingers.
Danger looms, with arms on the trigger.
And boom! Society in tatters.

Mothers will take the bullet.
Fathers will kick the bucket.
But with his strap and his stripes,
He knows he has the tides on his side.

Here goes the unruly manner
Of a Nigerian soldier.
