

People give me a title pls😭
I am the love you pray for
The love you have sought after for far too long
I'm simply a man who found you
At a low point in time
But I stayed
Watching, waiting
Praying that you will someday be better
Heal from all that bent you out of shape
And find a spark of life in your heart
Just like one that is inside me, that I have attempted to gift upon your soul
Your mind is filled with dark waters
And choices that'll only bring destruction
Destruction of yourself and your mind
Your hollow spirit and soul
You can't bring yourself to let it go just yet
But you're life is slipping away yet no drop of blood has even hit the ground yet
You feel as if you're stuck at a crossroads
Hanging in the balance between life and death
You have not died just yet
But your not alive, are you love?
So now I've arrived
Wanting to change only one aspect about yourself
Your ability to self love

© Aries Andino