

Love Story
"Take me to Paris" She said,
Dance with me infront of the Eiffel Tower,
When the city lights up,
be with me,
We'll dance all night long,
You'll be the king and I'll be the queen;
When darkness hovers our lives we'll be the sunshine of each other's lives;
Hold my hand, we'll run away from the world,
Take me to Japan, Dance with me under the cherry blossoms and when the leaves fell on us, promise me that you'll never leave me alone and you'll be with me forever,
Whenever the world tries to drift us away,
Meet me in the outskirts of the town,
We'll sit on the ground admire the stars,
The nights fades and when the daylight comes, we'll meet near the sea, build castles on the sand, find shells and make bracelets out of it;
And when it's raining , we'll Dance in the rain,
When the rain stops wrap me into a hug,
And when it's autumn, the leaves a sharp as a knife, the flowers fell, the leaves fell, the sky is grey, we'll stand near the lake and admire the nature;
When it's cold we'll decorate our house with lights, make a snowman;
Lastly, I promise you that I am never leaving;
"Remember even if the world is against you I would still be by your side ;"

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