

This world weighs heavy,

pressing in on all sides.

It's madness.

Its chaos.

Constant motion,

filled with dings and jingles,

crowding out what life remains.

A cacophony.

Continuously calling out,

demanding attention.

Proudly sporting digital leashes,

willingly tethered to society's whims.

Helplessly drowning,

in a flood of artificial gratification.

Can we find happiness,

living on display?

Do we feel vibrant and alive?

Does life still zing and pulse through us?

How well do we know the person in the mirror?

Breathing in recycled air.

Surrounded by shiny portrayals of being.

Polished to perfection,

meticulously arranged before the lens.

A vast virtual community of manicured lawns.

Adorned by pristine cookie-cutter fences.

Presented for adoration,

all while contentment remains evasive.

Emptiness clings as a dear friend.

Staged perfection,

arouses a cavernous void.

© TrishHare