

I'm hooked to my dream , that's olive green.
A dream to become a ferocious yet valiant queen.
Passion fervour, Actions lead the Journey ,
A naive ambition turns into my eternity.

Ambition meets passion, a flawless drive,
Hurdles on the journey fueled my thrive .
Day or night, through ebb and flow,
Determined and persistent to achieve my goal.

Imperfectly perfect, a vast gap to cross,
with trembling hands, sure about target across.
Inspired and ignited mind in the search of identity ,
Blessed to have life with Clarity .

Pure intention with heavenly devotion ,
I strove to serve my nation with each emotion.
Yet actions shortened , progress slowed down
Alas! I missed my journey to get an olive green crown .

My first love always to don olive green, my pride.
I still yearn for it, but to no avail,
my dream expired .
Let's move forward to thrive,
with an unwavering drive,
In Life, victory or defeat is fate to decide,
Depends On Your Will : "To Strive or just Survive".

To rekindle the purpose ,to serve the nation,
Fill your broken heart with a golden emotion.
An ocean of opportunities,just need your zeal to heal.
Be brave be bold ,as a worthy soldier feels.

Note - olive green- Indian army uniform🇮🇳
© Alphaclimber01🌻