


In the quietest part of the
night, when you hover bet-
ween light and dark, wond-
ering if you can float away
on dreams, hoping they won't
turn into screams, their memo-
ries comes flooding in.

Since they always protect
us like defenceless ones,
the loss of loved ones leave
gaps, vacuums so wide, not-
hing seem good enough to
fill the gape.

Unseen hole penetrating the
recess of the heart. When so
good to us, the ache, it's in
ripples. Just like watching
the saint's head roll off, since
ours is soon to follow.

They leave us cold, scream-
ing In the ugly abyss of never.
Trapped, forever in the darkn-
ess of our own minds. Hearts
so heavy,weighting Infinity to
nnes and more.

Love and blood,...