

Soul's Sanctity
They sought my skin, I peeled, I gave,
For my eye, they asked, I placed before to save.
Both hands, both feet, they craved in plea,
I severed, presented, piece by piece, to see.

Then they yearned for my heart's tender beat,
And each inch of my form, they wished to meet.
Every drop of my essence, they sought to drain,
I laid before them, in sorrow, in pain.

Then they dared to request my soul's sacred light,
But I denied, in the dark, in the night.
"Why withhold the soul?" they dared to implore,
"What makes it precious, what makes it soar?"

I replied, "Never mine, never mine to give,
It's divine, it's eternal, in which I believe.
It belongs to the heavens, to the Almighty's sway,
And with that truth, they turned, and they walked away.

© Sarah✨️