

Natural Disaster
A fine woman holding her head high,
The definition of a madam,
She has figured out life and has everything her heart desires.

Until a flood crept in like a shadow.
A cry of a woman begging her uncle to stop
But who is he to stop what he has started to please his sexual desires?
His ego has stripped him off his remourse and humanity and left an animal.
Sweating to collapse the golden walls of a woman.

Her daily routine became meaningless,
The flood consumed all plans and dreams
And left a lifeless soul with no desire to move forward with life.
All the self worth drowned in the flood,
And self-doubt consumed every thought.
The future disappeared behind a veil of fog.
The past became a broken mirror.

Loneliness wrapped around like a shackle
Hope was a candle in the wind.
The faces of friends became distorted,
The loved ones felt kilometers away.

In the depths, a whisper of warmth lingered.
© Anganathi Thomas