

The love within me cannot be concealed
by the time.
It outweighs negativity, and convert it to the light.
I was sent for a mission that my mind could not perceive.
Perhaps, I was blinded by the intoxicating light of ambiguity.
Tomorrow is not the end of infinity
and darkness has been born by the light.
To express one's truth needs courage
and to express yourself needs authenticity.
To believe in the dogma needs a blessed mind.
To feel the world in its purest form needs the infinite eyes of wonder.
Yet so many questions disturbed the unbelievers
but the wise knows nothing but the space.
The home is silent until we find it,
but the soul is living until the end of infinity.
One's gift is a gift to share to every creation.
Compassion is the breath of love
and forgiveness is the key to Nirvana.
The only way to become enlightened
is to realize the way in the heart.
To open yourself to the divinity within
is to accept life as it is
and the divine mission resurrected
within your soul.
Seek wisdom within and the light inside you
shall free you from the darkness of ignorance.

#Poetry #spirituality