

Phone Home
#religion #questions

Ringing up to you;
Answer the phone.
Return my call;
I drown in an ocean of questions.
Left with no enlightened answers.
I need to know;
Why is there so much talk about love?
Every time I show affection
I’m left broken and pressed to fill with hate.
Why is it necessary to have judgment?
People won’t face their demons;
Yet still discriminate?
Why is there so much pain?
When nothings left to gain.
Why won't the pain abstain?

Why are the rich hard to satisfy?
When the poor are barely getting by?
What happened to our eternal perspective?
People don't try anymore.
Most perceive single sided with close minds.

How do you know a soul is true?
Sins can be mistakes.
If I learn from my sins will I pass through your gates?
Why do sinners try to tell me my fate?
Most won’t acknowledge their own monsters.
How shallow and fake.

Why did man create addiction?
When life has enough battles keeping us restricted.
Where were you when I needed it?
When I fucked up and repeated it?
When I sat alone begging for assistance;
I begin to wonder if you still believe in me.
Why does it take years to build yet seconds to destroy?
Sweat and tears lost in void. 
When will faith show me I have a better fate?
I just need to know;
Phone me back below.
-C. Jackson.
