

What's a graveyard?
i never knew,
when I was young.
but i always was curious,
always fascinated by the ghosts,
zombies, death and wandering souls,
the darkness, and the fear,
the mystery and whispered voices,
the silence and unwillingness among people to ever go there.

But sooner than later,
i found out that graveyard isn't necessary a good place to visit on vacations.
the darkness which fascinated me,
haunts me now.
the voices which i was curious to hear,
disturbs me now.
The zombies on which i used to laugh at.......

Soon enough, i realised that iam one myself.

The concept of graveyard has became a regular life of every person.

That whispered voices, disturbing you, taunting you, depressing you
aren't exactly on the outside.
more like, they are within you.

feeding on your conscience and mind and emotions.
like those beasts in the woods feed on humans?

And that is infectious.
the voices spread,
like a bite of a zombie.

That silence,
is now echoing in every home.

That fear and the terror,
the loneliness,
the darkness and the chills....
You find in yourself.
Being chased by the problems you are running from,
like a zombie is hell-bent on making you like himself.

But never worry.
you are not alone.

Thousands are in the race,
running and attempting to escape.
but never could.

Always bumping into walls,
always losing hope.

but they never see high enough.
and so never found within themselves to jump out the Walls of Graveyard.

© sabera unissa