

Art of Leaving
As you said you want to get out of it;
Let me tell you something,
What goes out is in a form
What comes inside is formless
and, what stays is uniform;

Everything in this universe wants to get out
See how the galaxies and stars are moving apart
How rivers are getting out of its origin
How trees move apart from soil
How the scent goes out of flower
Nothing stays physically attached forever
Attachment is a weakness in a sense
Letting go needs strength;

But, going away itself is an art
There is also a beauty in getting parted
Look, how beautiful a fall looks parted from stream
How beautiful a tree looks away from soil
How beautiful a star look away in isolation

But, when you get away,
Leaving something broken
You create a vacuum, which won't fill
You are creating a dent on time and space
It might not be a good way to go
Make this transition quiet and slow;

If you want to detach
Go like a waterfall
Meaningful and sight of delight
If you want to leave
Leave me like a star
Full of light, beautiful and bright
Then, there would be the fulfillment of going
essense full and right.

© ranvijay