

Bonded by love
Oh! What have I done to deserve
A beautiful soul like you?
A heavenly treasure sent
To me from above
A treasure I will forever cherish
Thousands words are not enough
To describe this angel in my life

You are a beauty to behold
Great are your counsels
Your strength sure I envy
You possess a radiant smile
You always ignite in me fire of hope
In hopeless situations
You always amaze me with the words
Of wisdom you speak which are capable
Of reviving dead souls
Your calmness sometimes I think is not
From this world
You clearly see my flaws but you choose
To embrace me in your arms and in your heart
You always give me reasons to laugh
When I see no reason to smile
Your shoulders are always there
For me to lean on
Like a mother you always comfort me
You always see the good in me even when
I see the bad in myself
You are always there to correct and not
Condemn me
You are always there to cheer me up
What a joy giver you are!
Indeed you are not just a friend
You are a sister!
A sister not bonded by blood
A sister bonded by love
I pray this union lasts forever

#To a girl more than a friend #