

Oh Ube, for you who is oblivious to the way you make me feel.

You are clueless to the pain and agony you give to me when we don’t talk.

And the way you instantly enlighten my day when you do.

It feel as though you care for me and I am special to you, but you would always change just the next day.

I’m trying my best to show you how I feel but forgive me, for I have forgotten how to express my feelings.

It’s been years since my last relationship in person, and I’m the complete opposite of you.

You express your love through touch while I’m happily content within my own bubble.

Though, with your fond of touch, I’m starting to think otherwise and yearn for your very touch everyday.

It hurts me everytime when I’m not around you.

You would pop up in my mind in the most absurd ways and continue to do so, throughout the day.

Oh Ube, I wish to tell you one day and the things I think about.

But for now, I’ll write my feelings here for the world to see.
© PomPurin