

We walked together side by side,
A man of innate character,
And myself more akin to a monster than a man,
He lived to be a scholar and an artist,
While I mired myseld in suffering in rage,
Yet he remained at my side every step of the way,
Never questioning, never condemning,
But simply understanding,
I always resented him for that trait,
So quick to forgive, quicker to help,
It was years before I realized,
As different as we were,
We were the same,
Two souls lost in a world that held no love for them,
He found his home in the theater,
I never found mine,
So we drifted,
We talk from time to time,
Two souls passing through the corporeal world,
Yet it never changes,
He still stands by me,
And I by him,
This world may be cold and harsh,
But simply knowing he walks among the smoke and fire as I do,
Brings me comfort,
I love my brother,
For he was the first to teach me that perhaps,
This world is not as desolate as I believe
© With clipped wings