

A Boy Without A Name.
"It's the freak" they always shout at me
my family says it's only a game
I'm forever on the outside looking in
because I'm the boy without a name.

It's not the names that hurt the most
It's the fear of not really fitting in
I would like to have a normal life
but I don't know how to begin.

As the whispers continue behind my back
I'm just a shadow a voice lost in the air
and eventhough I have no name with me
I'm still here and I'm very aware.

For I'm the boy without a name
and I'm just trying to find my way
I'm lost in the world feeling the pain
but hope will guide me day to day.

I see the stars now shining so brightly
and I'm wandering so far and wide
with each step I take I feel stronger
I'm not going to run away and hide.

I'll rise above and let my true self fly
should have done that from the start
In a world that's cold I've just realised
acceptance has to come from the heart.

Every scar you see tells a story
will you see me for the soul I am?
I'm more than just a boy without a name
if you don't like me, I don't give a damn!
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