

I Tried To Unkill Myself
Lub-Dub... Lub-Dub... Lub-dub...

I never used to be afraid of living
But somehow all that changed...
It was after I witnessed my brutal killing:
I died that night we became estranged...

Lub-Dub... Lub-Dub... Lub-dub...

Silence is now the song these sinews sing:
A broken melody of memories on replay.
Your cold, sharp dagger of words still sting,
Forcing tears to bleed out from this painful tourniquet...

Lub-Dub... Lub-Dub... Lub-dub...

'Thou shalt not kill,' all the time you quote;
Don't you see the knife in your hands, oh Pharisee?
Every action you made left but a haunting ghost
Driving me to the edge of a distracted insanity...

Lub-Dub... Lub-Dub... Lub-dub...

And I tried to unkill myself -
The moment that I died...
But my passions were swallowed by this endless gulf
And my cries went unreplied...

Lub-Dub... Lub-Dub... Lub-dub...

I tried to come alive, and got this heart to beat;
Each throb makes these scars open and tear.
I wish that from this shell I could just retreat,
But wherever I go, I'm there...

Lub-Dub... Lub-Dub... Lub-dub...

So on these heartstrings I will continue to pull,
To rise this marionette up from the grave.
If you believe resurrection to be impossible
Think again - because I do it everyday...

Lub-Dub... Lub-Dub... Lub-dub...

© Lady X