

Family Problems
this doesn't feel like home anymore, i'm tired of

living in such a destructive place, i'm craving

the peace that no longer remains. nothing feels

okay. who's side do i pick when all i want is for

things to change? i'm tired of being pulled into

every argument, i just want it all to stop. there is

no laughter, there are only tears. what

happened to us, we used to be happy and now i

can't even remember the last time things were

okay. i don't want to be here anymore, i want to

leave this house i once called home and go far

away. i don't want to sit in my room and drown

myself in my tears trying to block out the sound

of the screaming and shouting. i hate living like

this, please just give me a break. why can't we

just go back to the way it used to be? what will

it take for us to be happy again?