

The Twinkling Little Star
The twinkling little star
Shining in the sky
Dazzling in the night
Beautifying the sky all together...

Every night
I look up to the twinkling little star,
Amidst all other stars
Then, the dreams, goals, desires,
Passions, visions, missions, identity...
That were long forgotten and not achieved
Came back to memory...
The twinkling little star...
Makes me remember my reality, and hidden dreams...
The twinkling little star
When it twinkles,
It's as if it's telling you;
To keep moving, to live out your dreams...
When it twinkles,
Gives one encouragement, to desire,
To get to the top,
To be the best one can be,
To shine brightly, dazzling, and twinkling,
Just like the twinkling little star...

And therefore,
I look at the twinkling little star, every night...
And once again,
My hidden desires and dreams,
Are remembered...
And the desire to work towards them,
Are piqued...

© Sunflower