

my unrequited love

A love unrequited, a yearning untold,
A heart that beats for another, a story yet unfold.
I see your happiness, though my soul may ache,
For your love belongs to another, a choice I cannot make.

The memories we shared, like embers in the night,
Warm my soul's depths, even though they lack true light.
I care for you deeply, with a love that's pure and true,
But the path you walk, my dear, is not meant for me and you.

I know I must let go, of the dreams we once held dear,
Release the grip of longing, and banish every tear.
For your happiness is paramount, though it costs me my own,
I'll find my way through darkness, and face the dawn alone.

Time will mend the broken, and scars will fade away,
New love may bloom in spring, a brighter, sunnier day.
But still, within my heart, a corner will remain,
Holding memories of you, whispering your name.

So fare thee well, my love, with blessings on your way,
May joy and laughter fill your life, and love forever stay.
And though I may not hold you, in this lifetime we share,
The love that once ignited, will always be there.
© manchita