

The confident face
There are always a number of faces in the crowd,
But one is standing confident and proud....
Ready to touch the sky and fly high,
But still has a long path to pass by...
Still has a long path to pass by...

Keep your eyes up there,
To see the person who has brought talent here...
People think he has to improve, And still there's a lot to prove..
Still there's a lot to prove....

Who's going to tell them his talent is already on the peak ,
And he's someone unique.....
He knows that he has to do this on his own
Afterall , he's totally lonely and lone...
He's totally lonely and lone...

Reflecting the same confidence on his face,
He performed with passion, ease and grace...
Thinking it might be tough to reach his goal..
In which his talent and confidence plays the main role..
His talent and confidence plays the main role...

Everyone was mesmerized by his performance.
And they got to know about his talent and importance...
He says all of this has happened due to his self belief and confidence,
And now, people's heart is his residence...
People's heart is his residence.....

~Prachi Sharma

( This was my first poem ever , so I thought I should share this one )

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