

You were the radiant light in my life,
A beacon that illuminated the darkest night,
With your presence, all sorrows faded away,
And darkness seemed like a distant, forgotten lie.

I surrendered my heart, and you seemed to rejoice,
Claiming me as yours, but now, where have you gone?
It's hard to accept that you're no longer mine,
A painful truth that cuts deep, like a heartbreak's design.

I yearn to hold you close, to feel your embrace,
But it seems like a foolish dream, a distant, unreachable place,
People call me delusional, but my only fault is loving you,
Through the heartbreak, the wrenching pain, and the tears I've been through.

I don't seek solace from anyone else,
For you are the one I need, my heart's only wealth,
I confessed that I couldn't unlock the key to unloving you,
And now, I'm left with the question, why did you do this to me, too?

Why did you exploit my insecurities, adding fuel to the fire?
Why did you own my traumas, only to amplify my desire?
Why did you accept my past and fears, only to paint a worst-case scenario?
I dare you to acknowledge your fault, but it seems like your spine has broken.

The biggest flex of mine has turned into a broken spine,
As he couldn't face his traumas, and our dreams divine,
He gave up on our shared aspirations, and our love's design,
Leaving me with a heartbreak, and a soul that's lost its shine.

Instead of standing tall, he let his fears confine,
And our love story became a tale of a broken spine,
A symbol of his surrender, and a heart that's lost its prime,
A reminder of the dreams we had, and the love that's lost its shine.

All my wishes and desires have gone in vain.
But still loving you feels like I have accepted the fate of pain.
© Srizzz