

I've become an immovable object
that's decided to love you always
and can't be made to budge,
not even by myself
if I ever dared to try.

I will always be by your side.
Well or ill. Glad or sad.
Your tears are pearls.
Your fury is lingerie.
Your pout is laughter.
Your anxiety is peace.
Your passion is pure pleasure.
Your love
is the big bang.

You have made me eternal.
If I leave the world without you,
then you'll find me in the night sky,
watching over you,
happy to brighten up your world
and see you smile.

If you leave the world without me,
I'll come visit you, wherever you are,
and leave my heart with you.
I'll leave it somewhere it'll never be found
and it will remain by your side,
unmoving and unbroken forevermore.

If I ever feel alone,
I'll look for you
up in the stars.