

The sign you love to hate
I am two heads,one eye
I am smart,my intelligence speaks
Adaptable,communicative,creative,imaginative,colorful,a poet,a dreamer,a spiritual healer.

I am fast,quick witted,sarcasm I drip,
I live by the wind,the moon,I don't sit.
To make up my mind is really hard you see,
I'm indecisive,can't pick two or three.

I will not conform to society rules,I am what I am,so hey,do you.everybody hates because it's a trend,but hate is still hate even if it's just pretend.

I am to fake,you may call me crazy;you keep judging and complaining cause I'm too grown for complaining.

I am gemini,the sign you love to hate,but people always gonna hate a mind that is great.