

Trials and tribulations that have made me stronger. I found a new way to live, I don't have to use any longer. In the morning I get on my knees and I pray. I ask God to help me get through the day. It got to the point, I had nothing to lose. It was life or death, I had to choose. I was at a crossroad, I had to make a choice. I screamed, I want to live in an angry voice. This time I'm trying everything new. There's so many things, I've always wanted to do. My hopes and dreams I will no longer ignore. Theres a whole world out there for me to explore. Blinded by my addiction, the world was passing me by. I was sticking a needle in my arm, just waiting to die. This world is beautiful, but I was unable to see. Today it's great to be alive and free. I have dignity and a self love. Each day on earth is a gift from above. I haven't a clue what tomorrow may hold. But I'm too strong, to just give up and fold. I don't know if I'll make it, I at least have to try. I've seen too many people just give up and die.
