

Prisoner of Your Past
Don't let the shadows of yesterday bind
The chains of memories, left behind
A prisoner of pain, a captive of fear
Break free from the past, and wipe away the tear

It was a lesson, not a life
A chapter closed, a story rife
With trials and tribulations, you've grown
But don't let the ghosts of yesterday hold you down

Rise above the ashes, like a phoenix born
Let the wisdom of experience be your guiding form
Don't relive the heartache, don't replay the strife
Use it as a stepping stone, to a brighter life

You are more than your past, you are strong and free
A canvas waiting, for a new destiny
Paint it with vibrant colors, with hope and with cheer
And remember, the past is just a lesson, not a life to fear

Boldly spread your wings, and let your spirit soar
Don't be a prisoner, of what you've been before
You are a warrior, a survivor, a shining light
Never be held captive, by the darkness of night.


© Ade F'ayo