

I will Rise up again
Creative Poem by Thokozani Ndinisa

I will Rise up again!

I look defeated
Sometimes I ask myself what happened?
Where did I went wrong?
Can someone wake me up and tell me it's just a dream!
Even now I don't believe it's me who has fallen like this!

Everything was going well and I had everything!
I never thought one day life was going to me to loose everything
No one plans to create his/her own downfall
People are laughing at me
Some has started to call me many funny name's I don't like!

Why life has downfall along the journey?
What did I do to deserve this huge downfall?
I guess one day I am going to get answers to these questions!

My downfall it's a setup for greater opportunities to come into me!
It looks like it's over but I know it's the beginning of bigger things to happen in my life!

Laugh me while you still can
Because I am coming back with bigger success than the one I had on my first round
Second round it's on me to Laugh

As everything it's going to work again for me!
Disappointment moments it's coming to an end
After every single storm, sun shine must come just to announce greater new to the world off bigger that are about to begin in people lives!

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