

The Sky is Clear and the Stars are Visible~
Yesterday, the sky was clear
I again had the urge to count the stars after so many years
Many, including my parents, think that it's dumb, it's stupidity
But the cosmos is what I like, I know it's my only identity

The stars were twinkling
Which made me think that I'll go blind
But then I realized
That it was just my lunatic mind

Don't you like to see-
The tiny blotches stretching in a never-ending line?
They will make you feel pure & beautiful
And make ur soul, as ever, shine

Of the no. of stars in the sky
I was unsuccessful in keeping a track
It was totally UNBELIEVABLE
As I never thought those, old days will be back

When I couldn't count the stars
And my father would tell
"Try to find the star which ur Grandpa is-
as he is in heaven for sure"

Though the old days are back
For a certain period of time
I was a bit hurt
As ig Father didn't remember them

He just told logically-
"The sky is clear so the stars are visible"
But that's the point,
After an eternity-
"The sky IS CLEAR & the stars ARE VISIBLE"...

- Trisha Dey
(14th or 15th July, 2021)