

Disarray was all I could think as I gazed over my mess..
How on earth will I ever find it, my favorite lucky red dress.
I know it's in here somewhere, but I don't know where to look..
It's like finding a needle in a haystack, or that one word in a book.

Anxiety is building as the clock begins to chime..
I can't afford to be late as I'm running out of time.
So in a fit of panic I decide to wear a dress that's blue..
But now I don't know what to do because I've only got red shoes!

I'm in a rush and look mismatched but I've no time to spare..
So I brush my teeth and wash my face and quickly brush my hair.
I grab my phone and grab my bag and walk out the front door..
I've only twenty minutes spare to be at my interview at four.

I'm fumbling in my handbag to feel for my carkeys..
And I'm not hearing them jingle.. Oh No! Where can they be?
Where did I put them? I'm trying hard to think..
Oh No! Now I remember.. I left them near the kitchen sink!

I've now the realisation that I'm locked outside my home..
So I quickly book an Uber from my dying mobile phone.
I'm now all flushed but arrive on time with a whole 2 minutes spare..
But when I look around the carpark, I see that no one's there.

I really do wish now that I had of stayed all day in bed..
Because I thought today was Monday, but its actually Sunday instead.
My Uber didn't wait so I need to book another one home..
But I didn't bring a charger for my bloody flat mobile phone!
© Derani