

loved beyond birth
To my future kids son or daughter, let me say I wanna do everything to keep you safe my lil girl  teach you not let a man disrespect you an to my boy how to be a man an father .all I want is your life to be successful,no hardship or stressful ,I hope everything I set be a good example, don't give in in life when it get dreadful. Vow on my life I won't let you grow up like I did sleeping in shelters an behind dumpsters, shivering in the snow an rain hoping that the nights get warmer.crying an pleading in people faces , that's why I'm putting money away in a separate life savings, want you to grow up with smiling faces ,not fighting to live or fighting  cases,by the time you old enough to read this I hope I'm still around so you can Talk to me about what this letter saying.