

In a search of love
When we get closer, you indite so elaborately,
Regarded as means of expression,
Worth more than love in reality,
A combination of visible and meaningful impressions
full of lot of logging dreamy intentions
The moment you enter
my sorrow and my craviness repenter
New keys got a hold in my hand
Smile becomes attractive
and I become more happistic
Belongingness of you
having a hand that protects you
These feelings deep down
grunts it's root in my soul
Feel like I'll lost my glooming tree
if your branch sheds
I became more smiley for you
than to myself
Became more glommy to you
from a girl that never look mirror-tend
In a deep down search of me
i found you
In a dreamy love of you
I found again me.......
If upon a time resembles something
i want it to resemble you
and me
A girl who is lost in her own theory full of expectations but none to accepting
You a boy of perfect hearty appearance
Never got a ditch of rejection
still looking for a beauty of heartly impression
When met these two un-met unrecognised hope
They collapse in each other
like an undivided empirical romantic road

That's how in a way to find self
we find each other back-shelf
that only talks about love........

@priya jaswant
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