

I Miss U
I miss u
so simple words to say
yet difficult to say wen i call you
my soul mate u were
my love you were
yet now i am elswwehere
n so are you

I look around n search for you
I hope to find sombody like you
you knew me like no one else could
and I understood you like your own shadow would

yet our decisions to stay together
didn't make everybody happy
to keep them happy
we took the mature step
and kept our love aside to
forever be away like never

I miss the
silence of the unspoken words
the warmth of the cold night
dreams that we shared together
but most of all i miss myself
because I was myself only wen I was with u

I miss the senseless talk we had
the long nights and chatter of our heart
no words can tell the amount I miss you
just like no time can tell the momemts i have thought of you
the unsaid words which u understood
the silent actions which told a thousand words

I miss you I can never say
mad neither can i ever hear that
yet the unspoken silence I know
of the love both of us we had.

So I laugh out loud
hold my head hign
cherish the time we had
and miss all the moments we could ever had .........

Thank You

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