

better tomorrows
Keeping the leak at bay
I know eventually the onslaught won't stay the same
The paint will inevitably fade
The planks will certainly rot
If unattended I can't assure it'll hold
Soon tears unfold down walls revealing mold
Poor unfortunate soul
I understand the consequences even though the infinity of outcomes is eternally vast
I know my walls won't hold if there weighed downed by the past
I want to enjoy every minute I have alive
But has that part of me died ?
I ask myself again why it is I survive?
How long can I continue the pace in my stride? I'm trying to love but it's hard when it's your heart that lied
Countless nights I endlessly cried
Nights alone this night may be ny own forever and ever lasting loneliness bestowed
I've been blessed with good nature
I nurture i care
My curse is that I must do it alone without the hope of anyone being there
To help
To say hi
To say no we don't want you to die
Every day I death defy
The cruel agonize life living behind green eyes
My brain lives vibrant and aware
While my body stays strong
But My heart is dieing
My lungs are burnt from crying
Please god stop this tormenting trial of ungratifying persistent sorrow!
I don't want to have hopes for a better tomorrow
© Christopher j. Jarman